Home > Software > Office > Other > OCLC Connexion® Client
- Package ID
- connexion
- Version
- 2.63
- Downloads
- 328
- Website
- https://help.oclc.org/Metadata_Services/Connexion
Your access to the OCLC system for cataloging
OCLC Connexion® is your access to the OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) system for cataloging.
Catalogers can use the Connexion client for the following functions:
- Customize WorldCat search and browse index lists
- Create and edit bibliographic records, including constant data
- Open MARC field Help from Bibliographic Formats and Standards for immediate field descriptions as you catalog
- Use authority records and control headings in bibliographic records
- Take OCLC actions on records
- Take OCLC actions on multiple records selected in a list
- Export records
- Print labels
- Import records
- Open OCLC system news
- Report errors in bibliographic and authority records to OCLC quality control staff
- Search the Library of Congress (LC) authority file
- Complete Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) activities
- Conduct peer reviews of records
- Open a WebDewey-only session
- Access your library’s OCLC usage statistics
- Insert data from cited records automatically
- Select validation options for setting holdings and exporting
- Open a local holdings maintenance browser window to maintain local holdings records for WorldCat records
- Catalog electronic resources by automatically extracting metadata and creating a preliminary workform
- Search for superseded LC authority history records; opening LC distributed authority record from a history record and vice versa
- Open guided entry windows to edit or insert fields 006, 541, or 583
- Display a record in a “Find in a Library” view in WorldCat.org
- Export bibliographic records using either MARC 21 (default) or one of the following Dublin Core record standards
- For export, select Dublin Core Qualified, Dublin Core Simple, OCLC Dublin Core Qualified, or OCLC Dublin Core Simple
- For import, select Dublin Core Qualified or Dublin Core SimpleNote: Dublin Core standards are structured in XML
- Access SCIPIO records describing art and rare book sales catalogs for sales from the late sixteenth century to the present
- Catalog offline and online
- Validate records offline
- Use local save files as well as your library’s online save file
- Create local constant data records, as well as online constant data, to insert often used MARC-formatted content
- Batch process WorldCat and LC authority file searches
- Batch process OCLC actions on records, including exports and label printing
- Batch process setting or deleting holdings by OCLC number without first downloading the records
- Create text strings to insert frequently used data
- Write macros or use a macro recorder to automate frequent tasks
- Use the client’s built-in label printing capability
- Print local accessions lists
- Create multiple user profiles (sets of client options) to catalog for more than one library
- Check spelling in records
- Choice of multiple language for the interface
- Supports all Unicode scripts through Unicode version 8.0.0.
- Automatically transliterate romanized data in Arabic and Persian records to Arabic script data (two ways)
- Validate MARC-8 characters separately from record validation
- Convert invalid CJK characters to MARC-8 automatically
- Upload digital files to a CONTENTdm collection and automatically add field 856 to the WorldCat record that contains the URL to open the digital content (for authorized CONTENTdm users with correct setup only)
- Define a startup action or macro to run each time you open the client
- Use quick tools for entering command line WorldCat searches and for using and managing text strings and user tools
- Set up a Z39.50 access to your library’s integrated local system (ILS) to retrieve local bibliographic records
- Install and use RLIN21 keyboards for entering Arabic, Cyrillic, Hebrew, and Latin scripts
- Add variant name headings using MARC-8 non-Latin character sets to LC authority file records
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