Home > Software > Network > Downloaders > Sick Beard Usenet PVR

- Package ID
- SickBeard
- Version
- 2012.11.04.1
- Downloads
- 1883
- Website
- http://sickbeard.com/
The ultimate PVR application that searches for and manages your TV shows.
Sick Beard is a PVR for newsgroup users (with limited torrent support). It watches for new episodes of your favorite shows and when they are posted it downloads them, sorts and renames them, and optionally generates metadata for them. It currently supports NZBs.org, NZBMatrix, NZBs’R’Us, Newzbin, Womble’s Index, NZB.su, TVTorrents and EZRSS and retrieves show information from theTVDB.com and TVRage.com.
This package performs a number of normally quite painful / tedious tasks
- Installs SABnzbd+ (compiled version)
- Installs Python
- Installs Cheetah with Windows optimizations
- Git clones the SickBeard source to site-packages
- Configures Git within SickBeard to auto-update
- Configures for XBMC metadata
- Configures XMBC notifications - to port 9090 as SABnzbd+ uses 8080
- Configures SickBeard to send NZBs to SABnzbd+ using API key
- Configures the SickBeard post-processing script in SABnzbd+
- Configures SickBeard to run as a Windows service
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