Home > Software > Media > Video Cutters > LosslessCut

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Package ID


Simple and ultra fast cross platform tool for lossless trimming/cutting of video and audio files.


Simple and ultra fast cross platform tool for lossless trimming/cutting of video and audio files. Great for saving space by rough cutting your large video files taken from a video camera, GoPro, drone, etc. It lets you quickly extract the good parts from your videos and discard many gigabytes of data without doing a slow re-encode and thereby losing quality. It extremely fast because it does an almost direct data copy. It uses the awesome ffmpeg (included) for doing the grunt work.


  • Lossless cutting of common video and audio formats
  • Lossless re-merge of selected segments (for cutting out commercials etc.)
  • Lossless merge of arbitrary files (with identical codecs)
  • Lossless extracting of all data streams from a file (video, audio, subtitle, ++)
  • Take full-resolution snapshots from videos in JPEG/PNG format
  • Manual input range of cutpoints
  • Can include more than 2 streams or remove audio track (optional)
  • Apply a timecode offset
  • Change rotation/orientation metadata in videos. Great for rotating phone videos that come out the wrong way without actually re-encoding the video.

Package installation defaults

By default, installation of this package:

  • Will be installed in Chocolatey tools directory.
  • Will NOT install a desktop icon.
  • Will install a start menu shorcut.

Package parameters

  • /InstallDir - Installation directory, by default Chocolatey tools directory.
  • /DesktopIcon - Create a desktop shortcut.
  • /NoStartMenu - Do not create a start menu shortcut.

Example: choco install lossless-cut --params '"/InstallDir:C:\your\install\path /DesktopIcon /NoStartMenu"'

To have choco remember parameters on upgrade, be sure to set choco feature enable -n=useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades



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