Home > Software > Development > SDK > Java SE 8

- Package ID
- jdk8
- Version
- 8.0.211
- Downloads
- 3012258
- Website
- http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html
The Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8.0.211
By default this package installs JDK according to your platform (x86 or x64).
To force x86 (32bit) installation on 64 bit systems
choco install jdk8 --x86
choco install jdk8 --forcex86
Note that params “i586=true” and “x64=false” are deprecated.
if you install by
choco install jdk8 -params "both=true"
Both 32bits and 64bits JDK will be installed and 64bits will be defaults.
By default this package installs JDK with source codes(zip).
If you don’t want to install source codes
choco install jdk8 -params "source=false"
If you want auto update
choco install jdk8 -params "static=false"
If you want to specfiy install directory (you need \\ for escape)
choco install jdk8 -params 'installdir=c:\\java8'
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