Home > Software > Cloud > Other > CarotDAV

- Package ID
- carotdav
- Version
- 1.15.8
- Downloads
- 1696
- Website
- http://rei.to/carotdav_en.html
CarotDAV is a Simple WebDAV / FTP / SFTP / Online Storages client for Windows OS, available free of charge. In addition, simplified WebDAV server for local use are embedded.
Complied Standards, Features
- HTTP/1.1 (RFC2616)
- HTTPS (RFC2818)
- DAV class 1(RFC2518), 3(RFC4918)
- Authentication Methods: None, Basic(RFC2617), Digest(RFC2617), NTLM, Kerberos, SPNEGO(Negotiate)(KerberosăNTLM), WSSE, Passport
- HTTP Proxy
- Client Certificate
- Compression/Decompression
- gzip (RFC1952/RFC2616)
- zlib (RFC1950/RFC2616) / deflate (RFC1951)
- Brotli (RFC7932) decompression only
- FTP (RFC959)
- FTPS (FTP over TLS) (RFC4217, RFC2228, RFC2246) (Explicit only)
- zlib compression(IETF Draft draft-preston-ftpext-deflate-03.txt)
- SFTP (SFTPv3 over SSHv2)
- OneDrive
- Dropbox
- GoogleDrive
- Box
- SugarSync
- AmazonCloudDrive
- HubiC
- OpenStack Swift
- iCloud Drive
- Host-specific file names(RFC1738)
- support long path > MAX_PATH(260)
- IMAP4rev1(RFC3501) ReadOnly
- Resume
- Download / Upload
- Auto Split
- Encrypt / Verify
- Filename (AES256 CTS)
- File contents (AES256 CBC)
- Key and IV creation PBKDF2 (RFC2898)
- Verification based on Hash (SHA-256)
- Various charactor encodings (UTF-7/8/16/32, Shift-JIS, ISO-2022-JP, EUC-JP, Big5, EUC-KR, EUC-TW, etc)
- Unicode Normalization (Unicode Standard Annex #15)
- Master Password
- AES256 CBC
- Key and IV creation PBKDF2 (RFC2898)
- SSL3.0, TLS 1.0/1.1/1.2
- simplified WebDAV server for local use
- GUI and CUI version
You should take care of below from the point of security / privacy.
About Security
By default, passwords are saved with no encryption.
In the setting file, there are login IDs and raw passwords. By default, it is not encrypted. If you want to avoid risk, use master password.
WebDAV server doesnât support user authentication or SSL/TLS.
Since WebDAV server of CarotDAV is designed for local use, it becomes dangerous if the settings are wrong. Use loopback address( to prevent access from others.
During OAuth procedure, CarotDAV shows the other site.
Some services needs HTTPS server during OAuth. Since this site doesnât support HTTPS, CarotDAV use this page instead. I assure that site is safe in the same way as CarotDAV.
About Privacy
CarotDAV accesses version file to confirm update on boot. Below informations are logged on the server at that time.
- Current version of CarotDAV you use.
- Access Time.
- IP Address. I keep these logs not to be seen from others as possible. I might use or public these information after statistical processing. I might show these logs to public institution if they claim.
CarotDAV collect no other information.